The art collection of Tazzetti Museum has grown over time and spans over a period of 600 years. The most ancient works are an altarpiece depicting the Pentecost (second half of the 16th century) and two Nativities by Vittorio Amedeo Rapous (1729-1800), painter for the Savoia royal family.
Besides five oil on canvas by Giuseppe Sauli d’Igliano, gifted to the Museum in 2010, other works were added to the collection: paintings by Domenico Buratti, Alberto Cibrario, Giovanni Piumati, Alberto Neüschuler, Eileen Lawrence Smith. However, the prominent part of the collection is composed of works by Cesare Ferro Milone.
Attention is given to the present as well, thanks to initiatives which aim at attracting artists: the collection includes works by contemporary artists such as Xavier de Maistre, Guglielmo Pramotton, Gabriele Garbolino Ru’, Giorgio Cestari, Carlo Vaulà, Titti Garelli. In addition, the winning pieces from the Valle di Viù engraving award of 2010 and 2011, organized in collaboration with Turin's Accademia Albertina di Belle Arti, are exhibited, too.
